AWS Listing Updates

AWS Marketplace listings have been updated to the latest Ubuntu 24.10 Oracular Oriole release where required. The older 22.04 LTS AMIs have been temporarily restricted due to a security vulnerability in a critical software package until the issue is resolved. In the meantime, please check out Panoptesoft, LLC’s listings for the newer 24.04 LTS release if you want to use an LTS release. Please also note that the ARM versions of all AMI’s may be temporarily restricted to GPU backed instance types due to a bug with the mesa display driver.

Removing Unsupported Products from the AWS Marketplace

Panoptesoft recently removed several AMIs based on older Ubuntu releases (Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Bionic Beaver, Ubuntu 19.04 Disco Dingo, and Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine). These releases are either no longer supported by Canonical or require security updates for package versions beyond what is available in the supported official repositories.

Existing customers using these images can continue to do so, but are encouraged to update to a newer, supported release such as Ubuntu 20.10 VNC Desktop AMI or Ubuntu 20.04 VNC Desktop AMI.

Ubuntu 20.10 (ARM) VNC Desktop Release

The first version of the Ubuntu 20.10 (ARM) VNC Desktop AMI has been released on the Amazon Marketplace.

This image contains Ubuntu Desktop 20.10 Groovy Gorilla (ARM64) using the default GNOME desktop environment. Please note that this AMI is for ARM based instance types only. See our other listings for x86 instance types. VNC is already installed and configured to launch at startup so you can access the instance graphically. The image provides full OpenGL (with GLX) support for running 3D applications.

The Marketplace listing is pre-configured, so you can quickly get started with this AMI with the click of a button; all you need is an AWS account.

Ubuntu 20.10 VNC Desktop Release

The first version of the Ubuntu 20.10 VNC Desktop AMI has been released on the Amazon Marketplace.

This image contains Ubuntu Desktop 20.10 Groovy Gorilla (x86_64) using the default GNOME desktop environment. VNC is already installed and configured to launch at startup so you can access the instance graphically. The image provides full OpenGL (with GLX) support for running 3D applications. The image can be launched on CPU only or GPU backed instance types. The correct settings will automatically be loaded depending on the hardware, and any instances with NVIDIA GPUs will use official NVIDIA drivers. This allows you to fully utilize the GPU instances for any graphics intensive applications.

The Marketplace listing is pre-configured, so you can quickly get started with this AMI with the click of a button; all you need is an AWS account.

Ubuntu 20.04 VNC Desktop Release

The first version of the Ubuntu 20.04 VNC Desktop AMI has been released on the Amazon Marketplace.

This image contains Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 LTS Focal Fossa (x86_64) using the default GNOME desktop environment. VNC is already installed and configured to launch at startup so you can access the instance graphically. The image provides full OpenGL (with GLX) support for running 3D applications. The image can be launched on CPU only or GPU backed instance types. The correct settings will automatically be loaded depending on the hardware, and any instances with NVIDIA GPUs will use official NVIDIA drivers. This allows you to fully utilize the GPU instances for any graphics intensive applications.

The Marketplace listing is pre-configured, so you can quickly get started with this AMI with the click of a button; all you need is an AWS account.

Ubuntu 19.10 VNC Desktop Release

The first version of the Ubuntu 19.10 VNC Desktop AMI has been released on the Amazon Marketplace.

This image contains Ubuntu Desktop 19.10 Eoan Ermine (x86_64) using the lightweight XFCE desktop environment. VNC is already installed and configured to launch at startup so you can access the instance graphically. The image provides full OpenGL (with GLX) support for running 3D applications. The image can be launched on CPU only or GPU backed instance types. The correct settings will automatically be loaded depending on the hardware, and any instances with NVIDIA GPUs will use official NVIDIA drivers. This allows you to fully utilize the GPU instances for any graphics intensive applications.

The Marketplace listing is pre-configured, so you can quickly get started with this AMI with the click of a button; all you need is an AWS account.

New Ubuntu Desktop Releases

New versions of the Ubuntu VNC Desktop AMI and Ubuntu 19.04 VNC Desktop have been released on the Amazon Marketplace.

These versions contain a fix for an issue that could sometimes occur and abruptly close the VNC session.

To upgrade, you only need to start a new instance. If you have any data you wish to back up, you can put it on an EBS volume and then attach that volume to your new running instance. Mount the volume and copy over any desired files. Users can also utilize Ubuntu’s built in backup feature to create backup files of desired folders on a volume which they can similarly attach to the new instance and use the backup program to restore those files from the volume.

New Ubuntu Desktop Releases

New versions of the Ubuntu VNC Desktop AMI and Ubuntu 19.04 VNC Desktop have been released on the Amazon Marketplace.

These versions contain a number of updated packages for security and feature updates.

To upgrade, you only need to start a new instance. If you have any data you wish to back up, you can put it on an EBS volume and then attach that volume to your new running instance. Mount the volume and copy over any desired files. Users can also utilize Ubuntu’s built in backup feature to create backup files of desired folders on a volume which they can similarly attach to the new instance and use the backup program to restore those files from the volume.

New Ubuntu VNC Desktop Version 0.2 Release

A new version (0.2) of the Ubuntu VNC Desktop AMI has been released on the Amazon Marketplace.

This version contains a number of updated packages for security and feature updates. Importantly, the latest stable version of the cloud-init package is installed, fixing an issue caused by a previous version if a user tried to create and launch a new AMI based on the current image.

To upgrade, you only need to start a new instance. If you have any data you wish to back up, you can put it on an EBS volume and then attach that volume to your new running instance. Mount the volume and copy over any desired files. Users can also utilize Ubuntu’s built in backup feature to create backup files of desired folders on a volume which they can similarly attach to the new instance and use the backup program to restore those files from the volume.